2007年4月17日 星期二

The Art Of Life

When I read this poem . I find some onspirations of my life . People are self-confident of their own abilities and worth . The poem gives me the idea of something I do't know before . After I read over this poem . I have the different view point of my life . Our life is very fully diversify if we have many different idea and mind . The life is ours . So we can make up our mind what life we want . The poem also tells me how to face the challenge that in our life way . many choice we and use . The key point is how do you choice . That is my impressions when I read the poem "A Psalm Of Life ."
I remerber I only a short while ago know a sentence . The sentence say "Don't expect your roads through life to be always smooth . When hard times come . We must be face them bravely". This snetence can prove the first paragraph what I say . We have to face our life bravely . Not to esape it . No one can help us solve the difficut in our life road . Everything just have yourself . Only yourself van help yourself . Because the life is yours , not others .
So we learn the way how to do something right choice is very important . And choice the right attitude is the first thing we have to do .
My advantage : First , personality is very optimistic . Second , to do anything is very earnest . Third , I'm very enthusiast . And my weakness :First , I'm careless . Second , I'm lazy . Third , I can't remerber to many thng . I think I need to be more hard . Only be hardly . I can correct my weakness .