2007年5月29日 星期二

1. You definitely need _____ Tic Tacs or ________ because your breath stinks! some, somethingsome, somethingsome, nothingsome, anything
2. We can stay up late _________ manly _______ and in the morning, I'm making waffles. saying, storiessaying, storiessaying, storyswapping, stories
3. DreamWorks Pictures invites you to a land of fairy tales ______ an unlikely hero rescues a fair princess ______ a nasty villain _____ the help of his trusty companion. where, from, withwhere, from, withthat, to, withthat, from, to
4. Before this is _____, I'm going to need ________ of serious therapy. over, a whole lot ofover, a whole lot offinished, a lot whole offinalized, a whole lot of
5. It's no way to _____ in front of a princess. behavebehavingactingbehavior

Ans:(1)some ,something
(2)swapping, stories
(3)where, from, with
(4)finalized, a whole lot of

2007年5月28日 星期一

The good sentence

1.Absence diminishes little passions and increases great ones.
2. Absence is mother of disillusion.
3. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
4. Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.
5. Absent in body, but present in spirit. 。
6. Far from eye, far from heart.
離眼遠,離心遠。 眼不見,心不念。
7. He that fears you present will hate you absent.
8. If a person is away, his right is away. [Moorish Proverb]
9. Long absence changes a friend.
10. Long absent, soon forgotten.
11. Man are best loved farthest off.
12. Out of sight, out of mind. OR
Far from eye, far from heart.
13. Salt water and absence wash away love.
14. The absent are always in the wrong.
15. The absent are never with fault, nor the present without excuse.
16. When the cat's away, the mice will play.
17. Who takes a lion when he is absent, fears a mouse present. 。
趁獅子不在時取而代之者, 卻怕老鼠的存在。
18. Never try to prove what nobody doubts.

19. A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.
20. A word before is worth two behind.
21. A word is enough to the wise.
22. A word spoken is an arrow let fly.
23. Action is the proper fruit of knowledge.
24. Better to sail slowly than not to sail at all.
25. Brave actions never want a trumpet.
26. Business is the salt of life; business and action strengthen the brain.
27. Deeds are males, and words are females.
28. Deeds, not words.
29. Few words are best.
30. Fine words butter no parsnips.
31. Fine words dress ill deeds.
32. Good words cost nothing, but are worth much. [Thomas Fuller]
33. Good words without deeds are rushes and reeds.
34. Hard words break no bones.
35. He is noble who feels and acts nobly.
36. He who gives fair words feeds you with an empty spoon.

37. A woman’s advice is no great thing, but he who won’t take it is a fool.
38. Advice is a stranger, if welcome he stays for the night; if not welcome he returns home the same day. [African Proverb]
39. Advice when most needed is least heeded.
40. Advice whispered is worthless.
41. An enemy may chance to give good counsel.
42. Anger and haste hinder good counsel.
43. Come not to counsel uncalled.
44. Counsel is to be given by the wise, the remedy by the rich.
45. Counsel must be followed, not praised.
46. Counsel without help is useless.
47. Counsels in wine seldom prosper.
48. Don’t teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
49. Good counsel has no price. (Good counsel is beyond price.)
50. Good counsel never comes amiss.

Effect of Technology

Nowdays , we have a idea life . Because we have the prosper technology . Past , we have not the good technology . We do anything is very trouble . We want to do something to let our life become more convenient . So we do many efforts to achievement the dream .
Because the prosper technology . We can do many thing in the same time . We can do something more quickly . I think in the age , We can not without the technolgy . A good sentence
say "Rome was not built in a day" . We have the good life . Because we pursue hard .
Finally , I think in the world . Any thing wants to be gone to by us make great effort . If we do not do that . The good life will not be have . The technology will be fall behind .

2007年5月15日 星期二

who am i??

My English name is Wayne Hwan. I am 20 years old . And I very frindly . My interested thing is sport . I want to find some new friend .


Why was Operation smile formed ? Would you like to be a medical volunteer and help a child ?
(1)Bcause it can let the man who have surgery for cleft lips smile .
(2)Yes , Because help other people is a good thing for me . I can feel happy when I do this thing .

How do you think children's live are being changed after they have surgery for cleft lips?
I think the children will be happy . Because more people can accept he . So he will have more friend .

Which organization belongs to NPO in Taiwan ? Can you learn from it and describe your volunteering ambition ?(NPO :Non-profit organization)
(1)Tzuchi Charity merits and virtues meeting.
(2)Yes I can . I learn bowel to another people . Than be subjected to more for have blessing .

2007年5月7日 星期一

Happy mother's day

This week . I go to the department store to buy the persent of mother's day . I have not idea to buy what I should buy . So I ask my friend . I help I can get some of mind from my friend . Finally I deside to buy a cosmetic to my mother . After blister pack the persent . I send the persent to my home . I hope my mother get the persent will be happy .

Happy mother's day

This week . I go to the department store to buy the persent of mother's day . I have not idea to buy what I should buy . So I ask my friend . I help I can get some of mind from my friend . Finally I deside to buy a cosmetic to my mother . After blister pack the persent . I send the persent to my home . I hope my mother get the persent will be happy .

2007年4月17日 星期二

The Art Of Life

When I read this poem . I find some onspirations of my life . People are self-confident of their own abilities and worth . The poem gives me the idea of something I do't know before . After I read over this poem . I have the different view point of my life . Our life is very fully diversify if we have many different idea and mind . The life is ours . So we can make up our mind what life we want . The poem also tells me how to face the challenge that in our life way . many choice we and use . The key point is how do you choice . That is my impressions when I read the poem "A Psalm Of Life ."
I remerber I only a short while ago know a sentence . The sentence say "Don't expect your roads through life to be always smooth . When hard times come . We must be face them bravely". This snetence can prove the first paragraph what I say . We have to face our life bravely . Not to esape it . No one can help us solve the difficut in our life road . Everything just have yourself . Only yourself van help yourself . Because the life is yours , not others .
So we learn the way how to do something right choice is very important . And choice the right attitude is the first thing we have to do .
My advantage : First , personality is very optimistic . Second , to do anything is very earnest . Third , I'm very enthusiast . And my weakness :First , I'm careless . Second , I'm lazy . Third , I can't remerber to many thng . I think I need to be more hard . Only be hardly . I can correct my weakness .

2007年2月12日 星期一

My English class

My name is Wayne . It is a new term . I hope my English will become very well . I hoped I may the foreigner freely to discuss .Because this will be know many friend . In the future . English is a International language .Too many people can use this language to know each other .